How to Make Platinum

This guide is based on Nagafen's (pvp Server) economy:

 Making platinum is often mistaken for being a complex challenge, but it is far more simple than you might think. I often get asked, "How do you make so much plat" or "Where is your secret spot", I simply tell them be be observant. This might confuse you so let me explain.

 Being Observant:

  Being observant is just paying attention to your servers trends. I play on a pvp server where players like to lock (locking their exp) at lower levels, level 39 for example. Knowing that the pvpers at this tier want to have the advantage over their foe they will spend more platinum to "twink" these characters. So now we know what level range we want to farm we should go ahead and start farming right? Wrong, one mistake is that people will go out to a zone and farm Nameds NPCs all day and come back only making roughly 3 plat or so. 

  What did they do wrong? Before going out to farm I always go to the broker and look up what I am about to dedicate time to. For example, I am about to go to Runnyeye and farm named NPCs for master spell drops. I would go to the broker and look what the average price is on the masters and if they are low this obviously would not be worth my dedication, but lets say I notice the harvest-able rares are priced very high. This is where I would make my money.

  So being observant is simply watching how the servers economy is going and being smart about what you place your time in effort into. Try to think on what the average play style on the server is and base your farm off this. That is the biggest piece of advise I can give any player.


Straight to Business:

  So now that we know how to be observant here are some ways I make all my platinum. Note: I am a brawler so some of these methods might not be as simple for you, if you find yourself having a hard time on one strat simply find something that works best for you.

  • Rat Caves
    • Level Recommended: 90
    • Location: The Sundered Frontier

      • Vermin caves ( 1403, -131, 3068)
 Inside the rat caves there a mass amounts of ratongas, level range 81-84. These ratongas have very good cash loot drops and also drop a lot of status relics which sell very well on the broker. Iv also noticed the seem to have a good percentage of dropping random master chests. So kill all the masses of ratongas and make sure to loot them as well. Also their are a lot of ore node spawns in this cave so hit all of these nodes and get a chance at some harvest-able rares as-well.

  • Collections
    • Level Recommended: 90
    • Location: Sentinels Fate and Destiny of Velious zones
 Collections often sell well since it is a easy way for a player to level and gain AAs. I would searching for collections in the most recent expansion zones since these are the newest ones and tend to sell the quickest. Not all collections will sells for the greatest amount but for the majority it is a simple way to make some platinum. Note: If your a brawler or sk you can run instances and just loot the collection there. Once you loot a collections in an instance you will be locked out so be aware of that.

  •  Previous Tier Raid Zones
    • Level Recommended: 90
    • Location: The Protectors Realm, Veeshans Peak, and Shard of Hate
  Grab a group of guild members or a pickup group and run some of the old Rise of Kunark's raid zones. I would recommend being decently geared for this, tough these are old raid zones the nameds can still hurt. Nameds drops 16-35pp each and the fabled items can be sold as cash loot or sold to players in general chat for appearance gear. Note: If you have a transmuter with you all level 90 fabled item can be transmuted into end tier consumables which sell well also.

1 comment:

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