Power Leveling

 Here is a simple strat for power leveling your characters or others on Freeport side. When power leveling I would recommend having a Recruit a Friend (RAF) account so you get the 200% exp bonus. Note: Due to recent changed your RAF account be be the same level range as you to get the exp bonus, so I would recommend leveling both accounts at the same time. When being power leveled I also recommend you use your lowest % exp bonus potions from/claim first instead of you highest %, exp is easier to gain at lower level so you'll need that extra few % a little later.
Note: This guide is mostly players with access to a geared Crusader, Brawler or Warlock.

Link for Recruit a Friend: http://everquest2.com/community/recruit-a-friend


Level 10-19: The Ruins
  • Kill the orcs closest to the docks at level 10 until about 15 and begin to kill the ^^^ orcs in the back of the instance (near the Sprawl), once all orcs are on respawn feel free to kill the Freeport guards. 

Levels 10-19: Blackburrow
  • Clear mobs to the mines to the left of zone in, once mines are clear exit and go to the small cave entrance straight from the mines and it'll take you to the ^^ and ^^^s.

Level 20-29: Fallen Gate
  • Kill from the entance of the zone all the way to the end by the Queen, do the instance located by her spawn, zone out and fight back to the instance, FG is a simple zone really.
Level 30-39: Runnyeye
  • Fight from the entrance and make sure to hit all rooms (use map to navigate all of them) and fight to the end, this zone is much like Fallen Gate, just kill to the end and back to the entrance. Rinse and Repeat.
Level 40-49: Obelisk of Lost Souls
  • Grab the quest at the entrance (will be a scroll laying on ground) and do circles around the temple on the first floor making sure to kill the Soul Harvester nameds for the quest which will give you access to the 2nd floor upon completion.
  • Once on the 2nd floor talk to "The Creator", the npc is a floating book, and grab the 2nd access quest for the 3rd floor, just keep killing the mobs in between each nameds room and complete the quest or just kill everything, should be 49 by then.
Level 50-59: Clefts of Rujark
  • Clear from the entrance to the lift (elevator) and grab the quest, clear the the key named "The Overseer" at ( 7, -5, -74 ). Clear all the rooms on the first level and advance to the 2nd from the lift.
  • Once on the 2nd level clear all mobs to the instance "Vault of Dust" at ( -50, 8, -293 ), this instance is fairly simple and can be done in a few pulls. Once you complete that instance zone out and begin to clear on the way to the next instance "Scornfeather Roost" at ( -79, 66, -142 ). The mobs are high level in this instance so the pulls will be a little slower but the exp is good non the less. Once you are finished with this instance you should be 59, if not zone out and clear trash mobs.
Levels 60-65: Sanctum of Scaleborn
  •  Sanctum of Scaleborn is very simple just keep clearing mobs to the end of the zone. Mobs near entrance star off normally Heroics but will start to increase to ^^^ as you advance.
Levels 65-71: Palace of the Awakened
  • Again pretty simple, clear mobs on the 1st floor and kill the totems to gain access to the 2nd floor and clear and keep advancing to the top floor.
Levels 71-76: Kanors Castle
  • At this point you'll notice that exp is going to slow down some.
  • Clear the mobs outside the castle inside the zone (Not in Kylong Plains) and once your back to the entrance clear all rooms until you get the 2nd floor, agin clear all rooms and rinse and repeat.
Levels 76-80: Sebilis 
  • Clear all mobs on 1st floor to the instance "Crypt of Agony" complete this instance, zone out and jump into the water that take you to the bottom floor. Continue to clear mobs on the 2nd floor once again hitting all the rooms.
Levels 80-90: The Hole
  • The hole has many different floors to it, I would suggest simply just clearing to an area you feel comfortable in and camping that spawn. At 80-90 its smarted to quest and do instances, but PL is still as always a possibility.